Other than starting to drink of course.
I dont drink and sometimes this makes it difficult for me to integrate in new social networks any suggestions?blocked myspace
That is a difficult one, as we live in such a booze orientated culture! Have you considered joining some sort of sports club, or local film or book club, to find people in your local neighbourhood with an interest that extends beyond drinking? They definitely are out there!
I dont drink and sometimes this makes it difficult for me to integrate in new social networks any suggestions?girl myspace myspace.com
So what! Just join in the group, you don't have to drink! i firmly believe in being able to enjoy myself without the influence of alcohol
you yourself can order drinks that are not um... beer, or liqour... order something else and just admit you don't drink
have a drink of pop...no one needs to know thats there isnt anything mixed in it. but do you really want to be friends with poeple who wont like you unless you drink?
Stick with what you drink now. What you drink should not matter to anyone. I have been the designated driver many times and enjoyed myself just the same. It is not WHAT you drink, but WHO you drink with.
Well if you don't drink why would you want to socialize with people that do if they expect you to. Further more just because you don't drink doesn't mean that you cannot attend a party where there are people drinking.
Drink non-alcoholic beverages.
If anyone asks why you are not drinking, I find that "I don't like the taste" seems to work best as an excuse. Or offer to be the designated driver.
Find alternative social networks.
I order vodka straight up then go to the bathroom and dump it out and fill the glass with water. No one knows the difference.
There's social networks other than the nightclub or bar scene out there. Go to your local rec center and join a de-ed sports team, or take a class at your civic center like painting or pottery.
I used to drink WAY too much, and now that I don't drink at all, I find myself in that very situation every now and then too, mostly when I visit old friends who used to be drinking buddies.
I am not ashamed of having stopped drinking, and when we are in that type of situation and they ask why I don't have a beer or liquor in my drink I simply tell them that I don't drink anymore. Most of them just say "oh" and leave it at that.
Never be ashamed of being a non-drinker - it makes you different, and it makes you better because YOU are ALWAYS in control, and the booze is never in control.
Okay, really! Who cares whether or not you drink? It's your perrogative. If they can't accept that, then go to another social network that will. Don't let anyone pressure u into being someone u r not!
I've never taken a drink in my life. I find that some people have a hard time accepting that. But those who can't accept it are no longer my friends. It's OK to associate with people who are drinking, as long as you don't get sucked in. Stick to your guns! Be stubborn! If your friends are insistent that you should drink to be part of their group, you must find new friends.
Heres the not straight edge answer. Drink. It's fun just dont drink to much or drive. It takes the edge off bro.
Congratulations...I admire a person who stands out in a crowd.
Join in with the group and drink soft drinks...cola, lemonade, orange etc...I do!
The best bit is that you're the only one who remembers exactly what the others did when they were drunk...
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